Become a Sponsor

Since 4 Day Week Global is a not-for-profit organisation, we operate on donations.

As the leading organisation advocating for reduced working hours, we’re aiming to create a million new years of free time, and our Sponsors are key to making this a reality!

If you make a monthly contribution of $20 per month or more, you will be named as a 4 Day Week Global Sponsor in our newsletter, which is circulated to an audience of more than 25,000 people.

Make a monthly donation

Make a one-off donation

Where does my donation go?

Your donation contributes to:

  • Enabling the design and rollout of 4 Day Week Global in new countries

  • Supporting coaching & workshops for change leaders thus ensuring better working conditions for thousands of workers

  • Building the conversation of a 4 day week on the global stage through conducting up-to-date innovative macro-economic research on issues relating to sustainability, health, and equity

  • Supporting the implementation of sectoral and regional specific research findings which can help to persuade both businesses and governments on the merits of reduced working hours across all areas of work

  • Allowing us to support organisations and territories with lower resources in order to build a work intervention that is both equitable and sustainable

Why 4 Day Week Global?


At 4 Day Week Global, it’s our mission to create one million years of new free time, by reshaping the way we think about work and moving the conversation from hours to output.


Since our inception in 2019, we have guided hundreds of companies and thousands of workers through our pilot programs, making us the world’s largest organization advocating for a 4 day week.


Our lecturers are some of the most prominent global leaders in the field, having written multiple books on the subject of reduced worktime and worked with organizations of every size from every sector.